Today while doing my daily routine and then grocery shopping, I had to stop at WalMart to pick up diapers, wipes and some cleaning supplies. I decided to head over to the "feminine needs" section and pick up an ovulation test, hoping this will help in our endeavors to conceive. We've been following an ovulation calculator online and trying to figure out when the best time to conceive is. We will be trying in the next few days, or so we thought. When I got home, I took the test and turns out I'm going to ovulate within the next 24-36 hours. My LH (Luteinizing Hormone) level is up now so we are moving our baby making a couple days earlier. Turns out if we had waited as planned we certainly would have missed the ovulation date and would once again have missed a pregnancy. This by no means makes me think it will be a for sure thing this month, but at least we know we didn't miss that small window of opportunity. Also, since the first test came back that yes I will be ovulating soon, I don't need to take another one until next month (the package came with seven tests), so I'm saving another $12. If by chance we don't get pregnant this month, we are looking into fertility treatment - not so say we will or won't go through with that, but it's an option. In the meantime, I'm learning a lot about fertility.
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