In those four years, Chris and I have faced challenges, tears both of joy and happiness as well as love and understanding, appreciation and comfort.
Our marriage we snuck off and got married by the Justice of the Peace. Chris picked the location and did all the work that goes along with it. All I had to do was show up. We didn't tell family and very few friends, in fact about a week after getting married, I sent out an email with a picture saying we said our "I do's." We didn't ever take a honey moon. A few days after getting married the Army shipped Chris off to a school. When he came back, we were supposed to take a quick weekend honeymoon to Niagara Falls. He came back with news the Army pushed his deployment date forward by nearly two weeks and he was leaving in four days for Iraq. I will never forget the day I dropped him off. He held onto his M4 Rifle and I kissed him goodbye. It was then I headed to my dad's office and couldn't even hold back the tears. He closed his office door and let me cry.
Our one year anniversary Chris was in Iraq. I knew he was going to get extended by a few months but he didn't believe it. Turns out I was right. I completed military training that summer and anxious for him to come home. I was very nervous when he did come home that he would no longer like me or we'd be too different and I stayed faithful for nothing.
Our second anniversary I was pregnant with our son. Less then a month lady our little bundle of joy was born. We struggled through the first part of that pregnancy and it tested our marriage. We cried at times, yelled at others but in the end came home with a beautiful little boy that would forever change our lives and make us smile. We also bought our first house that year and I graduated with my BA in Creative Writing.
The third anniversary was much different then the first two. We suffered a miscarriage earlier that year and debated over when to try again for another baby. Our son was nearly a year old and learning to walk and testing our patience.
Now the fourth anniversary is better yet. Chris and I are going to have a little girl in December. Our son has grown into his terrible two's a few months early. He is potty training. We moved from Oswego to Rome, NY. We rented out our house. Chris has a very secure job working for a company contracted by the government and has graduated with his BA in Information Science. I stay at home with our son.
When I look back at where we were to where we are now it's astonishing. We went from a couple struggling together to a beautiful and very happy family. I love my life, I love my life with my husband and more then anything I love that man who has supported me through thick and thin. There is no one here I'd rather spend eternities with then my husband, the goofy, funny, caring, honest and hard working Christopher Campos. I love him.