Last Friday I had taken a home pregnancy test and it turns number two is on his or her way, due September 28th. I'm only six weeks so far but am doing fantastic. This time, as of right now, there is no morning sickness. The only time I feel ill is when I first get up in the morning or when I'm hungry. Other then that it's awesome.
Now here's where it gets tricky. I cannot commission because I'm pregnant again, go figure. So I'm thinking of disenrolling in ROTC all together. At that point I'm going to to go back to my unit, from there we'll decide whether or not to stay enlisted, drop a direct commission packet, or get out of the military all together. So pretty much I have some choices ahead of me, but I'm sure Chris and I will definitely make the right one together that will benefit our family. As of right now we know getting out of ROTC is the right choice.
Chris is officially a Junior this semester and is feeling a little of that pressure. He's doing well taking Spanish (which is coming to him very easily), pre-calculus (which is just the beginning he also has to take calculus and advanced calculus, I feel sorry for him), a history class (Western Civilization), Discrete Math and a computer programming class. He's enjoying them all but is flooded with reading and everything that goes with it.
As for Baby Bradley, he's doing VERY well. He loves to laugh and smile and last week just by saying the words "macaroni and cheese" he would laugh uncontrollably, which in turn made us laugh like crazy. He definitely can hold his head up and is rolling over from back to belly, in fact now if we put him on his back in the crib, he just rolls over to his belly and falls asleep that way. He's going to be a great big brother. Mommy is just feeling a little guilty he didn't get more one on one time with her and Daddy.
While taking Bradley upstairs for his afternoon nap today, he laid his head down on my shoulder and I could feel his baby breath on my neck and it made me realize how lucky we are and how much I love that little boy. He really is a special child and we love him to death, even though he cries a lot now because he's teething. I also realized, as my best friend is currently at the hospital with her son (born a week later then Bradley), we truly are lucky and blessed. Renae's son is currently having a tube put down his nose and throat and into his stomach. He's going to be hooked up to a machine to determine why he has such a hard time digesting anything at all. We are very fortunate and the Eddy family definitely will have a long road ahead of them.
It was so sweet of you to think of us and our little Adam. I think I'm really going to enjoy reading your blog. It will help me remember the details of what we talk about. Jason asked me today how your military stuff was coming. My reply, "Great! She's getting out!" I couldn't remember enough specifics to explain anything else. Now I can just read him your blog! I've heard the Mommy forgetfulness just continues to get worse!