Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh the Joys of Carrying

So things have been a little rough in the Campos household. Not so much in the sense of burdens or anything else, but being pregnant. Last time it pretty much felt like a breeze, this time....not so much. I am VERY sick. Most of the time at night I can't sleep well, I'm normally up VERY early. I'm sick from around 10am on. It's horrible! My doctor told me to follow the BRAT diet....Broth, bananas...Rice, Rice Cereal, Apple Sauce, Tea and Toast. The first day toast was the only thing that sounded good to me. Thank goodness Chris is picking up some of my slack and even Bradley is helping out.

Bradley has slept through the night the past two nights! I am VERY excited about this.

He is definitely growing up and moving. I felt horrible and my heart melted yesterday as he fell off my bed!!! He has a little bump on his head and his lip, I feel like a horrible mom, but by the end of the night (it happened in the afternoon) you couldn't even tell he had a bump on his head. H cried for maybe a minute. I cried for much longer. He's turning into an all boy that's for sure. Since his fall, he crawled (more like scooted and rolled) his way under the coffee table where he hit his head again. THEN as I was doing dishes I gave him a wooden spoon to play with where he hit his head twice with it. I just can't win. So I had a very sad mommy day yesterday.

But on the plus side of things, Bradley got a new toy (was supposed to be for Easter but Chris thought he should have it now). He loves it! It's got a phone and all these buttons to push to make a ton of noises. On top of all of that we are all going to drive down to DC on Friday and stay the night, go on a tour the next morning, then drive to NC for a week and spend time with Uncle Chad and Uncle Rudy (both are deploying again to Afghanistan).


  1. Okay, so it's 8:15 AM and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open with a horrible tired headache. I am so jealous that Bradley is sleeping through the night. Owen and Adam have it stuck in their heads that it's okay to wake up at 6:30 AM and not go back to sleep! Wrong!!! Not to mention Adam is still waking up twice. Of course it doesn't compare feeling sick all of the time and not being able to sleep because of the pregnancy, but... I just feel like complaining. I'm so excited about your trip, although I'll miss you and have no idea who I'll talk to for a week!

  2. Jen! I found your blog through Renae's, who's I found through Desi's . . . so it's official, I am now a stalker of your blog as well. Return the favor? :)

    I know that being a mommy is hard sometimes, especially when it comes to the lil' guy getting hurt. Remember though, that he's a tough kid, and can totally take it.

    I too and terribly jealous of your trip down to DC. I miss the East SOOO much, yet I have no idea when I'll be out there next.

    Take care girl, and keep in touch!
