Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Goals....

Well my fitness trainer (Chrissy) had all of us write down what our goals were and here are mine:

1.  Fit into my size 10 cute white summer dress (I can zip it up now but it's hard to breathe and I have back fat).

2.  Look and FEEL good in a two piece (or ANY bathing suit).

3.  Fit better in my clothes and hopefully a few pre-pregnancy bottoms.

4.  Do either 5K or 10K at the 10Kan run (if I'm not pregnant)

5.  Feel good AND attractive about myself - weight was ALWAYS an issue, even when I was A LOT skinnier and in good shape.

6.  Go down a pant size.

7.  Have people surprised I'm a mom.

8.  Be hit on again - I lost it all when I got pregnant the first time and I don't think my husband even found me attractive and it's hard today to think he does.

Well word for word that's what I handed in.  I think it's good to post them, a constant reminder.  I'm focused and will be focused for awhile I hope....LOL  We'll see I guess.  


  1. Can't wait to hear about you hitting all your goals! GO JEN!

  2. Good luck! I'm on my third piece of gum already today and it's only 10 minutes after 3 PM. Yikes! You can do this-the right way. I know it!
