It's been seven months and Chris and I are still trying to conceive. I never imagined it would have been so hard to do. Since the miscarriage, almost a year ago, we have had our ups and downs. It is so frustrating. Every month when I am reminded of the child we didn't have it is sad and hard to go through.
Recently just about everyone around us is getting pregnant, either quickly or by chance. I am very happy for those people but am waiting for my turn. My husband has even noticed this.
The same things that people say over and over is getting old and tiresome. I always hear the, "It'll happen," "Don't think about it and it'll happen," "In the Lord's time," "Be patient" and so on. Although I love the support it's now come to the point that it's frustrating. I really am grateful but a couple days ago I found out another acquaintance was pregnant and a week before that someone else too. So when will it happen???
I'm flustered, angry and lately thinking about that baby we lost. I am grateful I don't have two children thirteen months apart but now the gap is getting larger and larger. I want to feel the baby kick in my belly and my belly to grow round. I loved being pregnant both times. The patience of that happening is harder then I thought, it is literally emotionally draining.
You have every right to feel the way you do! Hang in there! I'll make you a belly pillow if you want one? You won't be able to feel the baby kick, but you'll feel pregnant and definitely get those pregnancy back aches. :)
You're too funny. I appreciate it but I actually want to be pregnant and get back aches for that reason. But I may ask you to make me a pillow for Chris to experience it for a day. :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were a fellow blogger! LOL...so let me tell you after I had Tristan..he was about 6 months old and we started trying again. well 5 months went by and I was still NOT pregnant...I really think my heavenly father was watching out of me because I went to the doctor and found out that Tristan had caused me to have a fistula which is a hole btwn your bladder and cervix...anyhow IF I had gotten pregnant...I would have had serious problems. So..I had surgery and then got pregnant the following month...everything happens for a reason. Enjoy your time with Bradley because once another baby comes along...he won't be your "baby" anymore ;) good luck..